City of Pickerington

City Council

Council Information

Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.

Nick  Derksen photo

Council President

Nick Derksen

Nick Derksen was elected to City Council in November 2019 and November 2023.  He currently serves as the President of Council, Chairperson of the Finance Committee Committee, Secretary of the Rules Committee, and Member of the Service Committee.  Nick is currently the youngest serving member at 35.  

Nick and his wife Amy, a Pickerington graduate, have lived in Pickerington since 2016. They have two sons, Andrew and Albert. His in-laws, Susan and Mike have been residents for over 30 years.  Nick currently serves as Vice President of Government Relations at the Inter-University Council of Ohio (IUC).  Prior to his role at IUC, Nick served as a Legislative Aide and Senior Majority Policy Advisor at the Ohio House of Representatives, and Director of Legislative and External Affairs and the Ohio Department of Higher Education.  He has also served as a former appointed Member to the City's Tax Appeals Board.  He and his family are members of the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society and Friends of the Pickerington Public Library.  Nick brings value to City Council in understanding the intricacies of state and local government, along with a passion to represent the community with honesty, trustworthiness, and respect.

Bob McCracken photo

Council Vice President

Bob McCracken

Bob McCracken was elected to City Council in November 2021.  He currently serves as the Vice President of Council, Secretary of the Service Committee, Council Representative on the Planning and Zoning Commission, Member of the Finance Committee, and Member of the CRA Housing Council. 

Jaclyn Rohaly photo


Jaclyn Rohaly

Jaclyn Rohaly was appointed to City Council in February 2019, and elected in November 2019 and November 2021.  She currently serves as Chairperson of the Safety Committee, Vice Chairperson of the Rules Committee and Vice Chairperson of the Finance Committee.  

Jaclyn has lived in Pickerington for 23 years with her two children, Samantha and Giovanni. Jaclyn is an employee at Nationwide Children's Hospital, a Board Member of the Development Board for Nationwide Children's Hospital Foundation, and a Board Member for the The Ohio Hispanic Coalition. Jaclyn volunteers as a Cheer Coach for PYAA and volunteers as a substitute teacher's aide for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. Jaclyn is honored and privileged to be able to serve the citizens of Pickerington. She cares deeply for her community and hopes that she can share her passion and enthusiasm through her devotion to the City of Pickerington.

Crystal Hicks photo


Crystal Hicks

Crystal Hicks was appointed to City Council in June 2018 and elected in November 2019 and November 2023.  She currently serves as the Chairperson of the Rules Committee, Secretary of the Safety Committee, Member of the Finance Committee and Member of the Nuisance Abatement Board.    

Crystal has worked 14 years in the healthcare industry and is currently employed with a physicians family practice in Central Ohio.  Crystal has lived in Pickerington for 20 years with her husband Larry. They have 3 sons - Caden, Logan, and Landon, and a spoiled 17 year old shih poo named Bella.  Crystal sits on the steering committee for her HOA, volunteers a great deal of her time with PYAA sports, and sits on the PYAA Football Board.  Crystal is actively involved with Pickerington Central Football, as well as her children's schools among many other things.  She is honored and humbled to be appointed and now elected to city council.  She loves Pickerington and is excited for the opportunity to dedicate her time and serve the community.  

Tricia Sanders photo


Tricia Sanders

Tricia Sanders was appointed to City Council in August 2017 and elected in November 2017 and November 2021. She currently serves as Vice Chairperson of the Service Committee, Vice Chairperson of the Safety Committee, and Member of the Finance Committee.  

She currently teaches English at Pickerington High School Central but has been a teacher in the school district for the last 23 years. She and her husband, Chad, have raised their two sons, Chase (18) and AJ (15), here in Pickerington; they are all very proud to call Pickerington home. Tricia served as a Pickerington City Council Representative from 2008-2011. She is very excited to be working for the city and representing its citizens once again.

Brian  Wisniewski photo


Brian Wisniewski

Brian Wisniewski was first elected to City Council in November 2003 and re-elected in November 2007.  During those two terms he was particularly proud of the work council did to implement impact fees to ensure developers contributed their fair share towards the growing community. Other noteworthy accomplishments during that time include the Diley Road expansion, the sewer plant expansion, and the debt restructuring which paved the way for the city's current impressive balance sheet, all while maintaining the lowest municipal income tax rate in Central Ohio.

Brian and his wife Lisa have been married for 35 years and have lived here their entire married life. They have three children: Becca, Rachel, and Matthew. Becca and Rachel are both graduates of Central High School and Matthew will graduate from Central in 2024. They also have one crazy dog, an Australian Shepherd named Finn, and a Russian tortoise, Shelly.

Brian stepped away from politics for 8 years while his children were young and became heavily involved with the Central Band Boosters when his oldest child started in band. Each of his three children spent their high school years as members of the Central Marching Tigers band program. He still serves as the Band Booster President and will remain involved with the planning and execution of the annual Central/North Band Festival. The festival will celebrate its 50th year in 2024 and is a source of pride for the Central and North bands and community.

Brian loves being involved in community service and re-entered politics when he was elected in November 2019. He was re-elected in November 2023 and currently serves as the Chairperson of the Service Committee, Secretary of the Finance Committee, and Member of the Rules Committee.

Kevin  Kemper photo


Kevin Kemper

Kevin Kemper was elected to City Council in November 2021.  He currently serves as a Member of the Finance Committee, Member of the Safety Committee, Council Representative on the Parks and Recreation Board, and Member of the CRA Housing Council.