City of Pickerington

Refugee Road Enhancement


Starting in 2018, The City of Pickerington, with the support of The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) will begin improvements to the Refugee Road corridor. Once completed in late 2019, the project will positively impact residents and businesses who depend on this important corridor by providing the following benefits:

  • Additional lanes on Refugee from the east Corporation limit (near Goodyear/Woodstock Avenue) to Refugee/Fullers Way intersection
    • 2 lanes each direction
    • 2 left turn lanes from Refugee to SR 256 (both directions)
  • Additional center turn lane/median from Refugee/Fullers Way intersection to the west Corporation limit (near Wheatfield Drive)
  • Curb and gutter along the entire roadway will improve drainage, and the roadway profile will be updated to current design standards for a smoother, safer ride
  • Pickerington’s first modern roundabout, at Refugee/Fullers Way
  • New bikepath on the north side Refugee Road, providing access from SR 256 to the existing Blacklick Creek Trail adjacent to Farmbrook Estates subdivision
  • New sidewalk on the south side of Refugee Road
  • Complete resurfacing of Refugee Road
  • Medians throughout the corridor to help control access and improve traffic flow

Construction Process

During the construction process, City of Pickerington officials will be in direct communication with ODOT to ensure that your needs and concerns are addressed. Some identified traffic impacts include:

  • Fullers Way traffic signal will be removed early in the project; the intersection will be under “STOP” control for all directions of traffic for the majority of the project
  • Lane closures resulting in 2 way, 1 lane traffic under flagger control
  • Significant amount of work done during overnight hours
  • Short term (1 weekend) closure of Refugee Road between 256 and Goodyear/Woodstock; detour will be posted.  This work is anticipated early in the project.
  • Short Term (2 week) closure of eastbound traffic between Farmbrook Estates subdivision (near Grace Church) and Fullers Way.  Detour will be posted and emergency vehicle access will be maintained.  This work is anticipated late (summer 2019) in the project.
  • Visit The City of Pickerington Facebook page for updated Refugee Road Enhancement information
  • Business access will be maintained at all times
  • Message boards will be used to inform motorists of lane closures and traffic pattern change

Pickerington staff will serve as your local liaison to ODOT project managers. Please contact us at should you have any problems or concerns through the duration of this important transportation project.

Conceptual Map

Please note that the concept map shown here is NOT the final design, but it is generally accurate.  While minor changes have been made, and a number of other features (stormwater, fire hydrants, etc.) will be installed with the project, the basic roadway and lane configurations are accurate. For questions, please contact us at 614.382.5500 or

Conceptual Map

Beginning the week of July 27, 2020 night paving will begin on Refugee Road. There will be nightly lane closure and paving between 8 pm and 6 am. 

Please be alert as you drive in the area and be aware of the changing conditions and traffic patterns.

The contractor will be shifting traffic to the newly paved “northern” half of Refugee Road. The shift should be completed on Monday, November 11, 2019. The work also includes the utilization of new traffic signals.

The contractor has discovered underground utilities that were not known to exist. Work on the project has slowed due to conflicts with these newly discovered utilities. The contractor is working with the utility companies to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.

On Monday, February 25 from 9 pm to Tuesday, February 26 around 8 am, South Central Power will be working along the side of Refugee Road during night-time hours. This work will occur from Walgreen's west to Stonecreek Drive.

As we approach spring and weather improves, construction crews will be returning and will begin temporary pavement construction along the north side of Refugee Road. This work is expected to begin around the last week of March. Please stay alert as you travel through the construction zone.

We continue to encourage residents to slow down and stay alert as they travel through the construction zone. Message boards are in place and will be updated as project conditions warrant.

The intersection at Refugee Road and Fullers Way will remain a 3-way stop until project completion.

Utility companies are working to relocate their facilities out of the way of the construction. The contractor is working on the installation of underground facilities such as the waterline. When the weather breaks in the spring, the contractor will install temporary pavement to shift traffic to the north, away from the area where they will be working.

The long awaited construction of the Refugee Road project is underway. Residents are encouraged to slow down and stay alert as they travel through the construction zone. Message boards are in place and will be updated as project conditions warrant.

The traffic signal at Refugee Road and Fullers Way went on flash mode October 31. The traffic signal will be removed on November 7. This intersection will become a 3-way stop. Flashing stop signs will be in place at this intersection. The contractor has installed the storm water detention basin north of Refugee Road. The installation of the underground storm water system will take place beginning in November.

Additional information can be found online on the engineering page of the city website, The City is dedicated to providing information to you in the hope of minimizing your inconvenience as this major roadway project is completed. Should you have further questions, please contact us at or by telephone at 614-382-5500.