City of Pickerington

New Construction

Pickerington: Ready for Development

New development doesn’t need to be complicated, and Pickerington is organized with a pathway that integrates the regulatory process that leads to quality development. The best starting point is to schedule an informal meeting to discuss your project so we can review how to go from concept to completion. Contact us so we can start working together.

Your end goal is to get your project built resulting in a Certificate of Occupancy. Some of the below processes can happen concurrently, and we’ll be with you every step of the way. The following flowchart can help you visualize going from concept to completion.

Commercial Development Flowchart

Local Development Regulations

To understand the City’s process further let’s take a distilled look at the Big 3 of local development regulations: Zoning, Engineering, and Building.

Is your proposed site zoned for your concept? Our zoning map and code can help answer. Following the Zoning process will lead to a Certificate of Appropriateness and then a Zoning Certificate.

Zoning Map Zoning Code Certificate of Appropriateness Application Zoning Certificate Application

How will the construction of your project relate to the site and infrastructure including streets, sewers, water lines, etc.? Following the Engineering process will lead to construction drawings being signed.


    After getting your site zoned and engineered you’ll need to go vertical and build the structures that compose your development. You’ll follow the Building Process to get the building plans approved, fees paid, and bonding and compliance leading to a Building Permit.